Odoo vs SAP: ¿Cuál es la mejor opción para su empresa? Odoo y SAP son dos de los sistemas ERP más populares y utilizados en todo el mundo. Si está pensando en implementar un sistema ERP en su empresa, probablemente se haya preguntado cuál de estos dos sis...
¿Qué es un sistema ERP y por qué es importante para su empresa? ¿Qué es un sistema ERP? Un sistema ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, por sus siglas en inglés) es un software de gestión empresarial que permite a las empresas automatizar y gestionar una amplia vari...
Moodle: The most popular Learning Management System Moodle is the most popular LMS in the world. Read how universities, schools, and organizations from all corners of the planet have adopted Moodle. At the core of Moodle is a simple philosophy – to pro... e-learning lms-platforms moodle
Case Study: Time Tracking in LMS Platforms General context One of our clients needed to track students’ time on their LMS platform. The company had a Moodle ™ platform managed by an external provider. They had installed the “Attendance Registe...
Time tracking on Moodle platforms An essential feature of learning platforms is tracking students' time in their learning process. How to do it in Moodle? For organizations using Moodle, it is common to install the " Attendance Regist...
Organizations Must Change: Transformation Starts Inside One of the most important skills that the human being must develop is the ability to change; This also applies to organizations. Today it is necessary to adapt quickly to the variations that occur in ... companies